
The theme provided three layouts to demonstrate the page.

  1. post for blog
  2. project for github project
  3. page for other pages



Similar to most hexo theme, nova has index, archive, widgets layout. The difference is nova rewrite archive list helpers and provided two paginator helpers.


Project layout is aimed to demonstrate the github projects info. For project layout, a gh front-matter is nessary in your page.

The projects sidebar is configurated in _data/projects.yml


The default layout of other pages.

A type front-matter is used to mark special pages.

  • categories: Categories page
  • donates: Donate list page.


  • comment: Page comment, default is uyan comment
  • share: Jiathis share component
  • analytics: Baidu analytics component
  • donate: page donate component

Layout tree

        index.swig // home
        article.swig // post article detail
        archive.swig // archive/tag/category 
        widget_xxx.swig // search, tags, categories, recently... widget_xxx.swig // search, tags, categories, recently...widget_xxx.swig // search, tags, categories, recently...
        projects.swig // project home, list repos on github
        releases.swig // list repo releases on github
        contents.swig // display repo contents on github
        sidebar.swig // project navigator side bar
        header.swig // html head, header
        footer.swig // html footer
        comment.swig // page comment
        toc.swig    // toc suffix
        categories.swig // all categories
        donates.swig // donate records and rank
        article.swig // the article 
    index.swig // index layout dispatcher, link to post/index.
    post.swig // post layout dispatcher.
    page.swig // page layout dispatcher.
    project.swig // project layout dispatcher.


The index page is a special article list page, listing all post with excerpt in main container.

The archive, category, tag page regards as archive list page, listing article archive list in main container.

The article page display the post detail content in main container

The layout/post.swig dispatche layout to layout/post/xxx.swig :

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<div class="container container-fluid">
<div class="row">
  <div class="{{theme.layout.index.main}}">
    {% if is_home() %}
    {{ partial('post/index') }}
    {% elseif is_archive() || is_category() || is_tag() %}
    {{ partial('post/archive') }}
    {% elseif is_post() %}
    {% set show_toc = theme.toc.post && page.toc %}
    {{ partial('post/article', {post: page}) }}
    {% endif %}
  <!-- aside -->
  <div class="{{theme.layout.index.widgets}}">
      {%- if page_toc() %}
      {{ partial('./partial/toc', {style: theme.layout.index.widgets}) }}
      {%- endif %}

The layout/index.swig is a special layout for home page.


For common page, display content in main container, and TOC in right aside.

For special page, dispatcher to special layout.

layout/page.swig dispatcher:

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{%- if page.type === 'categories' %}
{{ partial('page/categories', {}) }}
{%- elseif page.type === 'donates' %}
{{ partial('page/donates', {}) }}
{%- else %}
<div class="container container-fluid">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="{{theme.layout.page.main}}">
      {{ partial('./page/article') }}
    <div class="{{theme.layout.page.toc}}">
      {{ partial('./partial/toc') }}
  </div><!--  end row -->
{%- endif %}


Projects page, listing repos on github

Other page, display content in main container, TOC in right aside and nagivation bar in left aside.

layout/project.swig dispatcher:

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{% if page.gh %}
  {% set gh = gh_opts() %}
  {% if gh.type === 'get_contents' %} 
    {% set page.content = gh_contents() %}
    {{ partial('project/contents', {} )}}
  {% elseif gh.type === 'get_repos' %}
    {{ partial('project/projects', {} )}}
  {% elseif gh.type === 'get_releases' %}
    {{ partial('project/releases', {} )}}
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
  {{ partial('project/contents', {} )}}
{% endif %}


There are many plugins of [hexo], it’s easy to write a plugin under [hexo].
Just write a .js under script in your theme.

here is a sample (script/helpers.js) to write a helper plugin to return page title.

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// return page title.
hexo.extend.helper.register('page_title', function(){
  var p = this.page;
  var ret = '';
  if (p.title2) { // if has a title2 in front-matter, i18n title2 value as title
    ret = this.i18n(p.title2);
  else if (p.title){ // use title value as title 
    ret = p.title;
  return ret;

And another sample of display categories in post:

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// insert category of post
hexo.extend.helper.register('post_cates', function(post){
  var cats = post.categories;
  var _self = this;
  var ret = '';
  if (cats == null || cats.length == 0) {
      return ret;
  ret += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close" aria-hidden="true"></span>&nbsp;' + _self.__('category.label') + '';
  ret += '<ol class="breadcrumb category">';
    ret += '<li><a class="" href="' + _self.url_for_lang(item.path) + '">' + item.name + '</a></li>';
  ret += '</ol>';
  return ret;

Use in layout/post.swig

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<footer class="post-item-footer">
  {{ post_cates(post) }} 
  {{ post_tags(post) }}

Will output:


The [Nova] rewrite lost of helper of [hexo] to simplify the style. Please visit Helpers for more informations.