
Helpers are used in templates to help you insert snippets quickly. Helpers cannot be used in source files.

Helpers of nova are located under theme scripts folder



Returns page title. title2 assigned in front-marker the title will be i18n output


Return keyword meta


Return description meta


@param className class of menu item, param may changed in feature
Return menu navigation


@param page if undefined means current page.
Return the page title, usually place to <head><title>


@param post the post
@param options the options
Return post path navination

Option Description Default
class The path item class category-item
icon The path preffix icon class glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close


@param post the post, if undefined means current page
Return page excerpt, if not avaliable in .md, return the first paragraph as excerpt.


@param post the post
@param options the options
Retrun categories in post

Option Description Default
class The path item class category-item
icon The path preffix icon class glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close


@param post the post
@param options the options
Return post tags in post

Option Description Default
class The path item class tag-item
icon The path preffix icon class glyphicon glyphicon-tags


@param post the post, if undefined means current page
@param webid the webib of jiathis share, if empty will redirect to share target page of jiathis.
Return share link of post


@param page page or this.page if undefined.
Return the unique id of page


List categories in post widget.

Option Description Default
show_count Show post count under category true


List tags in post widget.



Inserts a list of all categories.
Similar to list_categories, used in post/widget_categories.swig
Only changed the ul, li, style.

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<%- nova_list_categories([options]) %>
Option Description Default
orderby Order of categories name
order Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending 1
show_count Display the number of posts for each category true
style Style to display the category list. list displays categories in an unordered list. list
separator Separator between categories. (Only works if style is not list) ,
depth Levels of categories to be displayed. 0 displays all categories and child categories; -1 is similar to 0 but displayed in flat; 1 displays only top level categories. 0
class Class name of category list. category
transform The function that changes the display of category name.



Inserts a list of archives.
Similar to list_archives, used in post/widget_archives.swig
The helper adds archive.posts and changes class style.

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<%- nova_list_archives([options]) %>
Option Description Default
type Type. This value can be yearly or monthly. monthly
order Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending 1
show_count Display the number of posts for each archive true
format Date format MMMM YYYY
style Style to display the archive list. list displays archives in an unordered list. group displays archives in a panel list. page displays archives in archives page.
separator Separator between archives. (Only works if style is not list) ,
class Class name of archive list. archive
transform The function that changes the display of archive name.
post_limit The posts display limitation. (add in nova) 10


Deprecated from 0.2.0, see nova_list_archives helpers and set page style options

Inserts a list of archives.
Similar to list_archives, used in post/archives.swig

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<%- nova_archives([options]) %>
Option Description Default
type Type. This value can be yearly or monthly. monthly
order Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending 1
show_count Display the number of posts for each archive true
format Date format MMMM YYYY
style Style to display the archive list. list displays archives in an unordered list. group displays archives in a panel list
separator Separator between archives. (Only works if style is not list) ,
class Class name of archive list. archive
transform The function that changes the display of archive name.
post_limit The posts display limitation. (add in nova) 10



Inserts a list of posts. Only changs the class style.

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<%- nova_list_posts([options]) %>
Option Description Default
orderby Order of posts date
order Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending 1
style Style to display the post list. list displays posts in an unordered list. list
separator Separator between posts. (Only works if style is not list) ,
class Class name of post list. post
amount The number of posts to display (0 = unlimited) 6
transform The function that changes the display of post name.



Inserts a paginator. Similar to paginator, adds class option for paginator bar.

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<%- paginator(options) %>
Option Description Default
base Base URL /
format URL format page/%d/
total The number of pages 1
current Current page number 0
prev_text The link text of previous page. Works only if prev_next is set to true. Prev
next_text The link text of next page. Works only if prev_next is set to true. Next
space The space text &hellp;
prev_next Display previous and next links true
end_size The number of pages displayed on the start and the end side 1
mid_size The number of pages displayed between current page, but not including current page 2
show_all Display all pages. If this is set true, end_size and mid_size will not works. false
class paginator ui class (add in nova). ‘pagination’


Display a paginator bar only with previous and next, used in single page.

Option Description Default
show_name Show page title false



Parses all heading tags (h1~h6) in the content and inserts a table of contents.
Delete list_number option, add expand and deep option.

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<%- nova_toc(str, [options]) %>
Option Description Default
class Class name toc -> nav
list_number Displays list number true
deep The toc deepth 3
expand The toc max expand level 6


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{{ nova_toc(page.content, {class:'nav toc-ul', deep: 6, expand:6}) }}